Lilian Vera Rolfe Beyond Courage – Paul McCue

June 14, 2021

(NOTE: 19th May 2023 – a plaque commemorating Lilian Rolfe was officially unveiled at the former Rolfe family home at…

Belgian Resistance – Fabrice Maerten, Belgian State Archives

May 10, 2021

A brief look at the complexities, contrasting methods and aims of Belgian resistance groups following the chaos of Nazi Occupation. …

Comment un jeune pilote Français Libre aida à sauver une ville anglaise

April 29, 2021

À 23 ans, Yves Mahé avait déjà échappé aux Nazis, à présent il s’envolait sans hésitation pour sauver une ville…

How a Young Free-French Pilot helped save an English City – Yves Mahé

April 29, 2021

At 23, Yves Mahé had already escaped the NAZI’s, now he was flying flat out to save an English city.…

Ivor’s Flying Career and the Empire Air Training Scheme – Lord Peter Ricketts

February 3, 2021

An airman’s experiences in the largest air training project in history and how Ivor shot himself down in a Spitfire!…

Enfants de Paris: avant que la mémoire ne s’efface – Philippe Apeloig

January 5, 2021

Le projet d’arpenter les plaques commémoratives parisiennes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de créer une installation d’art visuel sur…

Children of Paris: Before Memory Fades – Philippe Apeloig

January 5, 2021

A huge project to record the wartime memorials of Paris and create a visual art installation onto the Pantheon walls.…

3 Days to Christmas: a French Toy Story 1944 Dr Jean-Paul Churet*

December 22, 2020

During the height of WWII, French airmen, exiled from their children and families brought Christmas Spirit to children in Britain.…

Trois jours avant Noël 1944 (version française) J-P Churet

December 22, 2020

  Au plus fort de la guerre, les Français loin de leurs familles ont pensé au Noël des petits Anglais…

A Polish Corporal’s Journey to Monte Cassino – Christopher Cytera.

December 4, 2020

The despoilation of Poland, and a young soldier’s extraordinary journey to join the Allies and General Anders Army in Italy.…

Why We Remember Remembrance – – – Ian Reed

October 31, 2020

    A brief look at the history, symbols and the relevance of Remembrance and why it is still important…

Plumetot 1944 – Return of the Polish Air Force to Europe – Richard Kornicki

October 17, 2020

(In English and en francais). Restablishment of the Polish Air Force within the RAF and their return to the continent…